Koondise laager
27.-28. jaanuar toimus Tallinnas koondise kandidaatidel laager
Möödunud nädalavahetusel toimus peatreener Tomi Niinimäki juhendamisel kahe päevane intensiivne laager, kus osalesid koondise kandidaadid. Koondis valmistub divisjon 3 EM-iks, mis toimub aprilli lõpus Riias. Eurooa meistrivõistlustel osalemise eesmärk on mõlema koondisega pääs kõrgemasse divisjoni, mis tähendab turniiril finaali jõudmist. Enne EM-i on koondisel ka traditsiooniline maavõistlus Lätiga, mis toimub 12.aprill Riias. Lõplik koondise kooseis selgub peale Eesti MV-i.
Sel korral ei saanud laagris osaleda Jaanus Pettai. Jaanust asendasid nädalavahetusel meie tuleviku lootused Margus Lomp ja Walter Herold Veedla.
Treener Tomi Niinimäki kommentaar:
“We have had our first national teams camp weekend for both women’s and the men’s’ teams. Throughout the weekend the players have been working hard and we’ve been able to work in good environment and atmosphere.
Both teams have their goals set in the 3rd division Europeans and the aim is to get into the final on both events. That would get the teams promoted to the 2nd division next year and that would be a fantastic result for Estonian squash. The competition has only gone tougher even within Europe during the past 10-15 years as more countries have started to compete seriously, but we will be able to pull it off as long as everyone does the right things and stays in one piece until April.”